krishnapal sendhav


krishnapal sendhav

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my name is krishnapal sendhav

4th year Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science student at Mahakal Institute of Technology Ujjain with excellent academic record and keen interest and practical exposure in the field of App Development, especially mobile applications .

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android studio 30%

flutter 75%

kotlin 80%

java 95%

dart 80%

c++ 65%

Technologies known


java is object oriented programming language, with help of OOPs i have completed couple of projects like gun game


flutter is used to develop cross platform applications, using this framework i had made many apps like Musify, hidden gems etc.

Android Studio

Android Studio is IDE for developing native android app . I had learned it from an online training from intershala and complete project like Book hub

git hub

GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git.


firebase is an databse introduced by google. Gain an certificate of this platform from Udacity and made app using firebase authantication


SQL is domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system.

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my portfolio

Gun Game

This game developed using the concepts of OOPs in java. in this game there are two player and two guns you can shoot on both player using these two guns. every time the player is shooted it damage his health if armour is on then damag rate is different. read more


an music streaming application for both android and IOS. created using flutter for cross-platform application development. in this application user can listen song from internet and set these song as there mobile ringtone. i am working on spotify API for this app read more


An e-commerce application for ordering food,groceries and medicine from near by shops. Devilery items with in 35 mins of order. Tasaya is product of Tasaya.Inc developed by Rainbow Solution and Technology.

created by krishnapal sendhav | all rights reserved